Adobe illustrator beginner course
Adobe illustrator beginner course

adobe illustrator beginner course

You'll learn how to work with multiple objects and artboards, how to use drawing aids such as the ruler, guides, and grids. This session equips you for this task with a focus on direct selection, anchor points, and other specialized selection tools. True Illustrator mastery comes from the ability to quickly select and manipulate any detail in your artwork. Selection Tools, Organization Features & Freeform Tools.Lesson One also features supplemental tutorials to reinforce what you learned. There's an overview of fill and stroke controls, applying colors and gradients, and how to save your artwork.

adobe illustrator beginner course

In the first week, you'll learn how to navigate the program’s interface, working with different views and magnification and setting up your first project, access panels and drawing tools, create images with basic shapes. Let's unpack the goodies in the Illustrator toolkit.

Adobe illustrator beginner course